An active start to 2021

An active start to 2021

As of today the current portfolio of Milanstroy LLC contains more than 230 000 sq.m. of different purposes, such as:

  1. Construction of 125-seat pre-school educational building with total area of 2,290.5 sq.m. on the territory of the North Administrative District of Moscow (Khoroshevsky District).
  2. The construction of a three-storied Preschool Educational Institution for 350 seats with the total area of 5,000 sq.m. on the territory of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow (Nekrasovka District).
  3. The construction of a modern sports and fitness center with a swimming pool, with a total area of 4,390 square meters in the territory of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Boarding School № 1 for Teaching and Rehabilitation of the Blind.
  4. Construction of the educational building for 300 children in the building of SBEE secondary school № 2007 in South-West Administrative District with the total area of 6,104 square meters for pupils of grades 5-11.
  5. Construction of monolithic apartment buildings with parking on the territory of New Moscow, a total area of about 150 000 sq.m. 6. Construction of residential complex with total area of 80 000 sq.m., with landscaped courtyard, own infrastructure and underground parking in the North Administrative District of Moscow.
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